Tuesday, July 20, 2010

High Seas Expedition and A Few Other Things

Last week was a busy one around our household. C5 and I participated in our church's VBS and Chas was prepping for a Ten Talents Ministry concert. Initially, I had good intentions to keep up with my blog for the week and had five interesting (ok interesting in my opinion) entries planned to post. Like a lot of good intentions, it just didn't happen that way. VBS took a little more of my time than I had thought it might, which is good. Sometimes you just have to be flexible and roll the with whatever comes your way. It seemed like blogging would be a distraction from what I needed to be doing, so I decided to give it a little break. I love writing. I love blogging, but my blog is meant to be documenting what is happening in my life - not be my life.

Vacation Bible School was wonderful! Me, 35 children, and about 30 volunteers went on a High Seas Expedition for part of the week. It was so fun! For the past four summers, I have volunteered for VBS duty. Usually, I teach crafts in the preschool area. This year I decided to work with the elementary-aged children. In the past, I worked with C5's age group so that I could be there with him and all his friends to keep an eye on them and to be a familiar face for them. I decided that since this was C5's last year as a preschooler, I would work with a different age group so that he could explore and be taught by someone other than mommy. The first night he was not happy that mommy was not on his parrot team, but in the end it worked well because he really had a good time and probably listened and participated more because I wasn't there. 

On the last day of Vacation Bible School, Chas was getting ready for a TTM concert. We had such a great time. Manafest, DJ Drue Mitchell, and Planning Yesterday all had such amazing performances. It's great to get to be apart of the concert planning/ministry process. It's amazing that this has been our reality for the past 4 months. It has been quite a whirlwind, and we have learned so much through it out. It's amazing to see the groups and musicians out there just trying to find a place to play and share their love for Christ through their music. God has blessed us immensely during the process and has opened so many doors. I'm excited to see what direction this ministry is moving.

Speaking of concerts...I am the guest host of the Worship Lounge this week. Our regular host, Rev. Ryno, has decided to step back for a bit and focus on his street ministry. He did a great job hosting, so I have some big shoes to fill. I'm really excited, though, and maybe even a little nervous. Of course I love being on stage, so it will be a new and fun challenge. The Lord has really blessed me these past few months by opening doors for my writing and doing design, and by allowing me to host the concert. I have had to learn a lot and have had to get past some of my insecurities (yes, I actually have a few of those). I just have to be willing to trust that He knows what is best and follow Him through the open doors.


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