Friday, April 16, 2010

And We're Back

Living Life Without a Net has been on a hiatus recently. Taking a little break while I'm writing for the TTM Presents blog. Truthfully, I was happy to have the TTM Presents blog come along. It was writing with a focus and purpose, and it gave me a chance to start writing again.

As much as I enjoyed writing my own blog, I just started feeling uninspired. Looking back over previous entries, it's kind of like Living Life Without a Net had multiple personality disorder. One minute it was a fitness blog. One minute it was flabby and lazy. Kinda like me I suppose - always into something but rarely settling into anything. I would find myself excited about getting healthy, and then I would get caught up in my busy schedule and the vicious cycle would begin. So when Ten Talents Ministry came along, it was a refreshing yet very busy addition to our family's life. It has allowed me to use some gifts that I never thought I would be able to put to use again. Last night at the Worship Lounge, Rev. Ryno encouraged everyone to use their gifts for the Lord. I'm excited that I am in a place where I am able to do that. My prayer now is that I am able to balance it all. I'm pretty good at juggling, I just don't want to lose my focus.

So that brings me back to my blog, and how it is a blank canvas that can go anywhere - just like life. Will I ever be a fitness goddess? Probably not. I just want to be healthy. To have the energy to chase after my kid and to do all of the fun stuff that comes along in life. Will I run a marathon? Probably not. That's not really my style. That's what I think being fit and healthy is. Finding what works for you and making it your own.

So my goals for the next week are to walk at least two miles three days a week and to not eat fast food more than one day a week. Yes, they're small, but that's what works for me.

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